Browsing articles from "October, 2009"

Who Discovered the Mitochondria

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. You can say supplies electricity the cell.  Mitochondria are organelles in the cells that have special functions: They make ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that keeps the cells in good running condition. Other than that,   mitochondria are responsible for cell reproduction and cell death. Earliest studies on the mitochondria The first recorded study ever made in the mitochondria was made by Richard Altman in 1840. He came to know about […]


Who Discovered Mercury

The earliest record about planet Mercury is found in Babylonian and Sumerian writings about 3000 years ago. There is also mention of Mercury in ancient China, India, and in the tombs of Egypt. The evidence dates back to 1500 years BC. Mercury is hard to see because it does not go far from the sun. This was the same problem that ancient astronomers faced. Ancient Greeks called Mercury by two names: Apollo and Hermes. The […]


Who Discovered Planet Mars

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. It is also called the Red Planet. Mars  turns red because of huge iron dust deposits on its surface. Mars’ many names in the past In the old days Egyptians called Mars as “Har Deucher” (The Red One). The Babylonians called Mars as “Nergal” (The Star of Death).  The Greeks named Mars after Ares, the god of war. The Romans gave Mars its present name. Scars on […]


Who Discovered Magnets

Magnets are magical objects that can hold things together without hands. It is because a magnetic object has a magnetic field. The field attracts metallic bits and pieces such as pins, clips, hair, and a host of others.   Who discovered magnets As to who discovered magnets first, it looks like the ancient Greeks are the strongest contenders. It is said the Greeks first observed lodestone attracted iron bits. Another version of the story goes […]


Who Discovered DNA

You can look at the DNA as a set of codes. These codes contain information that we have inherited from our mother and father. The DNA contains protein codes that decide how tall or dark you will be, or how long you will live. Well, almost. Who discovered the DNA DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid. The discovery of DNA came about as the high point of James Watson’s and Francis Crick’s research. Another important […]


Who Discovered Planet Earth

To discover Earth, you have to be coming from outside the planet. So far no one has come out and say Earth had been discovered by aliens. The fact is, Earth has been here for the longest time. The planet has been here far longer than humans have. Earth according to the ancients Earth being the third planet from the sun is said to have been known by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Sumerians. Ancient […]


Who Discovered Heart Disease

Unless you have an enlarged heart, your heart is as big as your fist. The heart is a major organ that pumps blood throughout the body. The normal heartbeat is 70 times a minute. Heart-related diseases kill thousands around the world everyday. It is not only humans who suffer heart diseases. Animals can have cardiac arrests, too. Earliest studies on heart diseases The human heart has been studied for thousands of years. The earliest medical […]


Who Discovered Hydrogen

Hydrogen is found all throughout the universe. It is very flammable and is also found in most life forms, especially plants. We consume daily doses of hydrogen through water and food. Who discovered hydrogen T. Von Hohenheim is widely credited as the discoverer of hydrogen gas (H2) in the 15th century. Von Hohenheim accidentally discovered hydrogen by mixing acids and metals.  He did not know for sure that the two would produce a new chemical […]


Who Discovered Influenza

You can take influenza, literally. It came from an Italian word meaning influence.  Influenza is very infectious. It infects mammals, birds, and humans. The influenza virus is spread through air and any form of body contact. The earliest records of Influenza symptoms This viral disease is as old as human evolution. The most believable account of how it began is the theory that it must have occurred when humans started owning animals. Hence,  the animal […]


Who Discovered Leukemia

Leukemia is one of the most feared diseases today. The mere mention of it could cause some people to faint. You see, leukemia is another word for blood cancer. It is a sickness in which mutated blood cells increase and damage other healthy cells. In the process the “mutant” white blood cells seize the red blood cells. It results in oxygen shortage throughout the body. In a serious stage, this later results in multiple organ […]
