Browsing articles from "January, 2011"

Who Invented the Compass

History of the compass can be traced from the 2nd Century BC and has its origin from China. A study revealed that Omlecs were using compass during 1000BC, but there is no authenticated proof towards the same. It is a difficult task to identify the first inventor of compass. The earliest models of compass were referred to as lodestone. Compass was mentioned as a tool or device for navigation in the year 1117 by Chinese […]


Who Invented the Crossbow

Early evidence of the use of Crossbows can be trailed back in Chinese history to as early as 341 B.C. It is believed that the crossbows were first used in the battle of Ma-Ling in Lingyi, China. It became a primary warfare weapon after that and was used for several years to come. The Chinese kept upgrading and improving the original cross bow from time to time. One of the improved versions was the repeating […]


Who Invented the Computer Mouse

Using computer was considered a difficult task during earlier period of their invention as they were large devices. The user needed to type everything by hand and could not alter the mistakes. Douglas Engelbart was a researcher of Stanford Institute and wanted to find new ways to make using the computer easier. Douglas Engelbart contributed greatly towards the changing the working method of computer. He invented several user friendly tools that can be used by […]


Who Invented the Compound Microscope

Compound microscope is the advanced model of high power microscope developed with multiple and selectable lens of different magnifications. The first compound microscope was invented and patented by Zacharias Janssen in the year 1595. Soon after his invention, Galileo Galilei invented another type of compound microscope out of a telescope. And on the basis of above inventions, several scientists have refined their inventions and introduced advance models of compound microscopes. Compound microscopes are useful for […]


Who Invented the Colt Revolver

Colt revolver was the first multi shot weapon that became the symbol of American Frontier. Colt revolver was invented by an American Industrialist called Samuel Colt. His innovative contribution to the weapon industry has been described in the army history as ‘events that shaped the destiny of American Firearms’. The inventor was the founder of the Colt’s Manufacturing Company and he got the patent rights for the invention of colt revolver in the year 1836. […]


Who Invented the Clothes Dryer

A cloth dryer may also be referred to as a tumble dryer. It is a house hold appliance that is used to remove the moisture content from the clothes after they are cleaned. It was also called a tumble dryer because the ancient dryer consists of a rotating drum called tumbler. The tumbler passes the hot air for circulation and evaporation of the moisture from the clothes loaded. In the 18th century, clothes dryers were […]


Who Invented the Clock

The word clock has its origin form the French word ’cloche’ which means bell. But an interesting fact is hidden in the origin from which the word clock would have been derived, when compared with the meaning of the word bell. Glocio the Latin word, Clugga the Saxon and Glocke the German word have the same meaning ‘bell’. Clock is the most prominent amongst the oldest inventions of human. Different types of clocks were invented […]


Who Invented the CFL

Edward E.Hammer, an engineer at General Electrics, invented the Compact Fluorescent Lamp, widely known as CFL in 1976. An electric crisis in 1973 is what led to the invention of the CFL. The first linear florescent lamp known as the F-40 Watt Miser was developed thereafter. However the bulb could not be launched in the market at that time, as GE was not in a position to pay the estimated cost of 25 million US […]


Who Invented the Cash Register

Cash register was first invented in the year 1883 by James Ritty. Ritty, owner of a saloon in the United States, named it after his own name as Ritty model 1 in the year 1879. However he got it patented in the year 1883 with the help of his brother John Ritty. Initially the cash register machines were simple machines for adding. There were no receipts that were generated and still required a lot of […]


Who Invented the Camera

The history of camera dates back to the Greeks when a popular mathematician, Anthemius used an obscura camera in his experiments. The obscura camera was a complex and initial stage of development of camera. It was not possible to carry such cameras everywhere before another mathematician Johannes Kepler added a lens to it. There were other mathematicians who tried to make the obscura camera portable. The first important development was in the year 1685 when […]
