Browsing articles from "January, 2011"

Who Invented the Darwin Awards

The Darwin awards were invented by Wendy Northcutt in an attempt to mock people who unintentionally remove themselves from the gene pool by performing a single act of stupidity. The awards are based on Charles Darwin’s theory of the ‘Survival of the fittest’ and ironically honour those people who improve the human species by sacrificing their own lives. According to Northcutt, the Darwin awards commemorate people ‘who do a service to humanity by eliminating themselves […]


Who Invented Crayons

The specifics of the inventor of crayons are quite obscure due to lack of any solid evidence. However it is said that crayons first originated in Europe, when people used a mixture of charcoal and oil for drawings and paintings. The first crayons made were all black in colour due to their charcoal content. Later powdered pigments were added in the crayons to develop them in a variety of different colours. Eventually the use of […]


Who Invented Colour Television

The world’s first working television was invented by a Scottish engineer called John Logie Baird in England, in the year 1923. The credit of inventing a colour television has been awarded to the same inventor. By adding few improvements, he created the first colour television in the year 1939. The first system used a disc fixed with colour filters, which is shown through a cathode ray tube. He applied for the patent right in the […]


Who Invented Chess

The history of the chess game can be traced several centuries ago. It is believed commonly that Chess may have originated in the northwest region of India, during the reign of Gupta’s. Originally chess is also believed to have surfaced in sixth century in China, India and Persia. Chess was formerly called as Chaturariga in India. It was the first version of chess that clearly defined the instructions of the game. Moorish soldiers discovered Persia […]


Who Invented Chalk

Chalk is a porous and soft rock that is a form of limestone, and since it’s a naturally available substance no one invented it as such. The use of chalk for writing and drawing can be dated back to pre-historic times. Hence it is very difficult to find out how the chalk as we know it today, came into existence. What also remains a mystery is the fact who invented the method to form sticks […]


Who Invented the Cassette Player

The invention of cassette player first originated when magnetic storage for audio was introduced by Oberlin Smith in the year 1888. Ten years later, Vlademar Poulsen brought some practicality to this concept. The first magnetic tape came into the market in 1928 and was invented by Fritz Pfleumer. The first consumer usable cassette player came into the market in the year 1963. Audio company Philipps introduced it in Europe and later in United State as […]


Who Invented the Christmas Tree

No Christmas can be complete without a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree can be large or small, decorated or simple, pain or colourful, natural or artificial but is an important aspect of the festival. It is a tradition associated with the celebration of the festival. The tradition of celebration and decoration has been invented by Martin Luther and few other Lutherian Scholars. In earlier times, fir trees were used for decorative purpose. The tradition of […]


Who Invented the Broom

The history of brooms doesn’t have any evidence to credit the invention to a particular person. Brooms have been used in varied materials and forms since man lived in caves. Initially it was animal fur that was tied up to clean up the cooking place and big castles. There are many stories that are associated with the first broom which is believed to be created somewhere around the eighteenth century. The first broom is said […]


Who Invented Currency

Many specimens of recorded history reveal that Chinese were the first to make use of currency. The use of both coin and paper money can be traced back to China. Around 650 A.D the Emperor of China issued paper tokens with assigned values for general use. The Chinese initially traded in shells and later in coins made out of various natural products such as wood, stone, bone, copper, lead etc. Bronze coins fashioned in many […]


Who Invented Credit Cards

Although individual store credit cards were common in the twentieth century, a credit card that could be used at multiple locations came into existence in 1950 when Frank McNamara invented the Diner’s club credit card. The beginning of the twentieth century marked a steep rise in the automobile and travel industry enabling easy accessibility to a variety of shopping spots. Many stores and gas stations hence introduced the concept of shopping on credit accounts in […]