Browsing articles from "January, 2011"

Who Invented the Beeper

Beeper is a small portable electronic device that emits a beeping sound or signal. It is also referred to as a pager. The signal or sound is emitted when the person carrying the beeper is being paged or contacted by a contact. It was named as beepers as the sound emitted by the instrument resembles a beeping noise. Beepers may also be referred to as buzzer, pc speaker and avalanche transceiver. It was invented by […]


Who Invented the Battery

Based on an archaeological excavation carried out in the year 1936 at Baghdad, it has been believed by few scientists and historians that the battery was invented about 2000 years ago. But there was no strong evidence to prove the same. Earlier in 1749, the term battery was used by Benjamin Franklin to refer a set of linked capacitors. He conducted an experiment using a similar process with electricity. Later, the battery was invented by […]


Who Invented the Bakelite Telephone

Bakelite telephone was invented by Leo Baekeland. Bakelite is an expensive non flammable plastic material used for telephones and radios. These phones were manufactured during the period 1930 – 1960. These phones were always too expensive as they were made out of first plastics. Even though Bakelite is not a perfect plastic, the attractive feature of this phone is that it does not melt easily. Bakelite phones were manufactured only in black colour in earlier […]


Who Invented the Acoustic Guitar

An acoustic guitar is a common type of guitar that projects the sounds produced by the strings of the guitar only by using acoustic methods. The string based acoustic guitar was invented by Christian Fredrich Martin from Germany. He was a guitar maker who moved from Germany to America in the year 1833. At that point of time, American guitarists required a bright sounding and louder guitar so he fulfilled the same by inventing the […]


Who Invented Bagpipes

There has always been a speculation on whether the Bagpipes bear a Scottish origin or an Irish origin. However, the Bagpipes are neither the legacy of the Irish nor the Scottish. The bagpipes were invented in the middle-east. The Old Testament has references of the instrument being played to call upon the people for worship. There are indications of this event taking place in Iraq, which was then a part of the Babylonian empire. The […]


Who Invented the Cardigan

Cardigan is a popular winter wear that is open from the front. It can be closed in the front either with buttons or zips or even tied up with small threads in the front. Cardigans are worn in many countries by both men and women in different styles and patterns. This winter wear got its name from James Thomas Brudenell who was the 7th Earl of Cardigan. He made his troops wear large knitted jackets […]


Who Invented the Blackboard

A blackboard also referred to as a chalkboard is a reusable writing surface upon which text or drawings are made with chalk. The boards are generally made of thin and soft sheet of slate stone in black or dark grey. Modern versions of these blackboards are available in green and brown and are referred as green board or brown board. History of the blackboard can be traced from 18th century. Blackboard was invented by James […]


Who Invented the Bed

A bed is a small or large piece of furniture upon which a person may sleep, relax or rest. In several cultures over many centuries, bed was recognized as the most important piece of furniture in the house to exhibit a different type of status symbol. Beds were first used by Egyptians and they used it for several purposes, more than a place of sleeping and relaxing. The beds were used as a place to […]


Who Invented Backpacks

The backpack was invented in the year 1952 by Dick Kelty. Dick Kelty was an active hiker who often faced trouble with carrying his gear during hiking trips. At that time people who enjoyed trekking had to settle for gear sold at military surplus stores. However, they were quite bulky and crude and did not make for a comfortable trekking sack. Kelty was hence inclined to come up with an easier way to carry gear […]


Who Invented the Blood Bank

The history of blood back traces back to the First World War. JR Turner and Francis Peyton Rous, with the help of a glucose based compound, first introduced the concept of storing blood for many days. After some more research, Dr. Charles Richard Drew was the first person who studied in detail the transfusion and storing of blood. He opened many blood “depots” or “banks” in the early period of Second World War. However for […]