Browsing articles from "March, 2011"

Who Invented the CD

The compact Disk was originally the brainchild of a brilliant scientist named James Russel. In the 1960’s, Russel worked at the Battelle’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland to devise the optical digital data service technology. He acquired twenty-two patents for various elements of his compact disk. However, it did not gain popularity till much later when Sony and Philips combined task forces to co-produce the Compact disc-digital audio standard. In the year 1979, both […]


Who Invented the Balloon

There are several stories towards invention of balloons. Both gas filled and hot-air balloons were invented in the year 1783. Etienne Montgolfier and his brother Joseph from France noticed that bits of paper floated in the hot air escaping the chimney when the fire of their kitchen was alight. They tried an experiment based on the same process with paper bags in 1782. They made paper bags out of cloth lined with paper. In a […]


Who Invented Cannons

Cannons are basically weapons which launch a projectile with the help of gunpowder. However the first cannon known in history did not use gunpowder and was made by Ctesibius of Alexandria using compressed air. His work got destroyed in history and was later again discovered by Philo of Byzantium. Initially long pieces of paper and bamboo were used for barrels, later replaced by metals. The noted first use of gunpowder happened in the year 1132. […]


Who Invented Bluetooth

Bluetooth was first invented by the company Ericssion in the year 1994. It is now a common feature for many electronic gadgets like laptops, desktops, palmtops, cell phones, i-pods etc. Bluetooth is an electronic wireless technology that enables secured transmission of data without any interference. The technology on which it was initially based was frequency hopping spread-spectrum which helps in easy transmission of radio waves. After Ericssion came up with the basic of the technology, […]


Who Invented Air Conditioning

The basic concept of air conditioning had been incorporated in Ancient Rome. It refers to removal of heat component from the indoor air for thermal comfort. It may also be referred to as a form of cooling that modifies the condition of hot air. People of ancient Rome used to circulate water through the wall of the houses to cool them. Same kind of techniques has been used by Persians. They used wind towers and […]


Who Invented Blu Ray

Blue ray technology is used producing Blu ray discs which have an outstanding data storage capacity of 25GBs and uses blue laser to read the disc. A Blu ray DVD beats a normal DVD in reading capability by six times. The concept was conceived and first invented by the company Sony. It was released limitedly in Japan in year 2003. The Blu ray technology was strongly competed in the market by HD technology. This is […]


Who Invented Blogs

A blog may be referred to as a website or a part of a website. It is a short form of the word ‘weblog’. The term weblog was first coined by an American blogger called Jorn Barger, in the year 1997. Earlier, he used the term ‘log the web’ when he surfed the web and later the same has been changed to ‘we blog’ by another blogger called Peter Merholz, in the year 1997. Gradually […]


Who Invented Arc Lights

Sir Humphrey Davy devised the first arc light in the early 1800s using carbon electrodes. However for a long time the arc lights were a rare sight since they could be operated only by the means of expensive generators or batteries. Subsequently, many scientists improvised on the arc lamp hence facilitating its use in special places such as theatres, lighthouses etc. The development of inexpensive sources of electricity in the latter half of the century […]


Who Invented the Balance Beam

Laurie Gallus Gary Gallus invented the balance beam. The balance beam is an artistic apparatus in gymnasium and also used for performing many gymnastic events. The event as well the apparatus are referred to as a simple term called beam. BB is the English abbreviation of this event. The balance beam is a long and narrow beam that is raised from the floor area on one leg. This event is performed only be female gymnasts. […]


Who Invented Boxing

The history of boxing was first associated with the Egyptians where carvings of fist fighting’s between two people were found of 3rd and 2nd Millenium BC. There was great contribution from the Greeks as well in the field of boxing. There are written evidences about fights between two men. Legends also say that ruler Thesius of the 9th century BC used to organize a form of fighting with hands between two people and the result […]
