Who Invented Bowling
There is always a debate as who and when invented bowling. Many historians have different approaches and thesis to show the origin of this extremely popular modern game. A study states that it was in the Stone Age where the game originally got its origin. Many archeologists have associated the game with the Egyptians. A British anthropologist, Flinders Petrie, in his study found some extremely interesting facts on the grave of a child. However many […]
Who Invented the Abacus
Abacus is the oldest calculating and counting device. Its origin dates back to 2700 – 2300BC in the Sumerian times. However, abacus as we know today was invented by Chinese during 2nd century BC. It is also referred to as counting device that has been used in Asia and Africa for arithmetical calculations. The development of abacus can be classified into three stages namely Ancient Age, Middle Age and the Modern Age. Prior to the […]
Who Invented Calculus
The vast history of calculus has its history that goes back to 1820 BC. Egyptians had calculus but did not know the exact formulas, some of which are today considered invalid. Later on Archimedes developed the study of limits which was earlier studied by Greek mathematician Euxodus. The formulas for finding the areas of geometrical shapes were later developed in countries like China in 3rd century AD. The history of derivative came in 12th century […]
Who Invented Boolean Logic
Boolean logic was first invented 19th century by George Boole after whom the branch is named. Boolean logic is considered as the main base for computer digital logic and has paved way for information technology. He is known for his statement where he said that no general method for solution of probability can be established which doesn’t recognize the universal laws of thought. According to him the laws of thought form the basis of all […]
Who Invented Biometrics
Joao De Barros a European explorer first invented the finger printing technology in 14th century. A policeman from Paris used the system to study and identify the criminals. The term biometrics has been derived from Greek words bios – means life, and metron – means measures. It is the study of development of automatic methods for identification and validation of unique physical and behavioural traits of individuals. The term is also used to refer to […]
Who Invented Astrology
Astrology is an ancient science which was originated by the Babylonians and its use can be dated back to as early as 3000B.C. The term ‘astrology’ is a Greek word literally meaning ’Science of the Stars’. The Babylonians applied this science to predict future events such as wars, metrological conditions, famines etc. It is believed that they were the first ones to notice how the position of the sun influenced the seasons and the agricultural […]
Who Invented Algebra
Algebra is the major branch of mathematics that deals with study of operations and relation, construction methods, concepts, polynomial equation and much more. A mathematician named Al-Khwarizmi invented the algebra. He wrote about algebra in one of his books in the year 820. The term algebra has been derived from the Arabic word Al-Jabr, which means equation and was the title of inventor Al-Khwarizmi’s book. He was the first person who has solved the difficult […]
Who Invented the Ball and Jack Game
Ball and jack game originated 2000 years ago. It has been referred to as different names in different regions. It was called as the jack game in the ancient period by Egyptians and Romanians. It was also referred to as jack stones, jack rocks, five stones, knuckle bones, snobs, etc. Children used pebbles, small stones or bones of small animals to play the game. Older version of games used five stones made of clay, wood, […]
Who Invented Blackjack
Blackjack is a casino game invented in American casinos. No one person can get the credit for inventing Blackjack as the game has evolved over the years. This game is also referred to as Twenty-One. It is one of the most popular gambling games in the world of casino. It was invented in 17th century. In the earlier days, it was called as twenty – one only. When the game was introduced in the United […]
Who Invented Barbie
Barbie is a fashion doll produced in the year 1959. Ruth handler, an American businesswoman designed the Barbie. She got the inspiration from her daughter who preferred adult figured dolls. Most of the dolls at that time were baby dolls. She exhibited her first Barbie in March 9, 1959 at American International Toy Fair. The first Barbie was made in Japan. The fashion dolls were manufactured by the company called Mattel Inc, which was run […]