Browsing articles in "Food & Drink"

Who Invented Cereal

Dr. James Caleb Jackson created the first cereal breakfast known as Granula in the year 1863.Granula was a version of the Grape nuts and consisted of heavy grains of Gram flour. Sheets of Graham flour were baked to manufacture the cereal. The dried up sheets were broken into smaller pieces and baked again. These were further broken into smaller pieces for preparing the cereal. However, Granula were not very big on convenience, as they had […]


Who Invented the Blender

The invention of a small electric motor referred to as fractional horse power motor made a revolution in the appliance industry. This invention assisted towards other possible inventions of power oriented appliances. Blender, one among the power oriented appliance was invented by Stephen Poplawski in the year 1921. Later in the year 1935, Fred Osius improved the basic idea of blender and invented Waring blender. In simple terms blender is a small electrical device with […]


Who Invented the Barbeque

While Barbeque is the most popular way of cooking meat in America, it did not originate in America. In fact, no one knows where the original method came from but the Americans have popularised this method of cooking tough meats all over the world today. Barbeque refers to slowly cooking of meat at low temperature. The meat is cooked for a long time over charcoal or wood at a reasonably lower temperature as compared to […]


Who Invented Caramel

Caramel is a confection that is made out of sugars. Caramels differ in their color and appearance depending on the type of sugar used to produce them. Caramels have been used for a very long time, however, the origin of caramel is still a mystery. It has been used in candies, puddings, desserts, ice-creams and variety of sweet dishes. While candies are believed to be first produced out of honey somewhere in Egypt, caramel use […]


Who Invented Candy

Candy is a confectionary that is generally made out of sugar. The earliest candy was first made by the Egyptians with honey. Due to sweetness and jelly flow of honey, it was combined with nuts to make candies. There are also evidences in Chinese history for certain type of candies with the use of honey. Maple syrup was also used for creating sweet confectionery. Since sugar was very costly before the 1700s, candies were very […]


Who Invented Beer

Beer is one of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. Not just that, it is also the world’s oldest beverages and the history of the beer can be traced form 6th millennium BC. The history of beer has been recorded in the history of Ancient Iraq. Prayer to the goddess Ninkasi details the method of preparing beer. In the 7th Century AD, European monasteries produced and sold beer in an open market […]


Who Invented Aluminium Foil

Aluminium foil is a type of metal foil that has been used over centuries to preserve food and keep it warm and fresh longer. Aluminium foil was invented by Hans Christian Oersted in the year 1825. Before using aluminium foil, tin foils were used for packing food products. In the 1910, it was replaced by aluminium foil. In the year 1845, Friedrich Wohler, a Scientist from Germany produced some bigger samples of aluminium foils and […]


Who Discovered Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the best foods on Earth. Other than its taste, chocolate is a multitasking food: it relieves depression, contains rich antioxidants, and even acts as an aphrodisiac. It has vegetable proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates. A huge amount of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, and iron are found in chocolates. A bar of chocolate, preferably with 50% cocoa content or higher, has more than enough supply of vitamins A1, B1, B2, […]


Who Invented the Snickers Candy Bar

The Snickers Candy Bar is one of the biggest selling chocolate treats globally, earning Mars, Inc over $2 billion every year in revenue. The candy bar comes in so many flavors and styles now that the brand is better known now for it’s name than for the recipe that makes it unique. In the 1890s in Minnesota a young boy suffering from polio was introduced to the art of making confectionary by his mother who […]


Who Invented Chocolate

Chocolate is a type of food that is usually sold as a sweet, dessert, or in drink form, and is processed from the Cacao bean which is native to South America. The cacao bean is actually considered a vegetable and the pulp within the fruit is edible, thought the seed inside the fruit needs to be roasted before it can be used to make chocolate. Indian people from South America have used the pulp of […]
