Browsing articles in "General"

Who Discovered Jupiter

Planet Jupiter has been very popular since the olden times. It is very visible to the naked eye because of its gigantic size.   The Romans named the planet after Jupiter or Jove, the god of lightning. Jupiter’s symbol is a lightning bolt. Jupiter in the East and West In Asia, the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese refer to Jupiter as the wood star. This belief is based on the Chinese Five Elements. In the Vedas […]


Who Discovered Constellation Pegasus

Pegasus is the ever popular white-winged horse that has appeared in most fantasy movies. You can say the same about the constellation. Pegasus is a breath-taking sight in the night sky at the end of summer. The horse-shaped star can be seen all through autumn if you live in Northern Europe. Residents below the Equator can see Pegasus from Winter  to Spring. But do not expect to see a horse right away.  Pegasus is shy, […]


Who Discovered Constellation Taurus

The Mesopotamians were the first to call the bull constellation as Gud Anna. It meant “Bull of Heaven.” Ancient bull images are also found in Spain and France. These images were made of bone, stone, and clay. On the other hand, Babylonian astronomers believed Taurus was one of the oldest constellations in the sky. In the early Bronze and Chalcolithic Age, Taurus signaled the point of vernal equinox. During the vernal equinox of the 23rd […]


Who Discovered Big Dipper

Big Dipper, or Ursa major, is the 3rd largest constellation. It is easy to spot the Big dipper because it is the only constellation that never sets into the horizon.  In England the Big Dipper is known as the Plough. Within Big Dipper you can see other star patterns Earliest sightings of Big Dipper The Big Dipper was mentioned quite extensively in ancient Hindu Astronomy. It was called Sapta Rishi, which meant “The Seven Sages.”  […]


Who Discovered America

The discovery of America remains controversial. The story has so many versions. And each one claims to be true. Long before Columbus landed in America, there had been much earlier expeditions to the continent. Ancient Asian’s discovery of America Modern scientists have noted, for example, that human settlement in America started as far back as 16, 000 BCE.  They have evidence to prove that Asian hunters crossed the Bering Straight on land bridges into Alaska. […]


Who Discovered Albinism

Albinism causes the skin to lack or lose color. Melanin gives shade to the skin, and when it is not enough or missing, you have albinism. You can have albinism even in the hair and eyes. Animals and plants can have albinism, too. Albinism in plants goes pretty much like albinism in humans. Albino plants lack chlorophyll (that substance that gives them a green color). Without chlorophyll, plants cannot make food with a little help […]


Who Invented the American Flag

The American flag, a symbol of the enduring power of the United States of America, was first hoisted in 1776 with the Union Jack, the flag of Great Britain in the canton, but in 1777 the United States Congress approved changing the flag, and a short while later the original thirteen stars representing the 13 colonies was adopted and used by American forces in the War of Independence. America’s first flag was very similar to […]


Who Invented the Paper Clip

Paper clips are such a simple invention most people would be forgiven for thinking they must have been invented thousands of years ago, perhaps by ancient ancestors who first learned to work with tin or iron. Steel is notoriously difficult to work with, and especially so when small items like wire for a paper clip are being produced. In fact paper clips couldn’t have been invented earlier than 1830, the year an American doctor named […]


Who Invented Legos

Children’s building block bricks, a worldwide phenomenon for over 50 years are most well known from the Lego company whose product is regularly used to create spectacular miniature models of well known landmarks such as the Chrysler building in New York, and miniature towns complete with parks, railways, and people going about their business. The Lego company are best known for the Automatic Binding Bricks that are made of plastic and have several small studs […]


Who Invented the Toilet

Toilets are perhaps one of the most useful inventions of all time, at least to anyone who has ever used one, yet despite their function are a fairly recent invention in the history of humankind. There are several versions of toilets, from bed pans, to deep holes dug in the ground, thru to the modern toilet with a flushing mechanism as we know today. Who first invented a container to be used for human waste […]
