Who Invented the ATM Machine
The idea of creating a standalone device which would enable people to make financial transactions was first propounded by Luther George Simjian, a Turkish photographer and businessman. He started building basic and not so sophisticated versions of the ATM machine in the late 1930’s and filed for 20 patents related to the devices. However, his efforts were met out with scepticism and the financial institution that did attempt the installation of the teller machine witnessed […]
Who Invented Cotton Gin
Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney of Westbro; Massachusetts in the year 1793.He designed a cutting-edge machine which enabled automated separation of cotton fibres from the seeds. Prior to this invention cotton farming was a laborious and time-consuming process as the raw cotton fibres were manually picked from the seeds. Whitney’s cotton gin was able to produce 50 pounds of clean cotton in a day hence giving a great boost to the cotton producing […]
Who Invented the Apple Computer
The first apple computer known as the Apple I was invented by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in the year 1976. The initial models were hand built by Wozniak and displayed for the first time at the Homebrew Computer Club. Woznaik was the engineering wizard and Jobs the visionary of this invention. They incorporated their company Apple Computers Inc., a few months after the launch of Apple I in the year 1977. A subsequent model […]
Who Invented Copy and Paste
During the interaction of human and computer, copy and paste is considered as user interface program for transferring the data, files, text, etc., from source to destination. Computer mouse is closely connected with performing the paradigm by drag and drop. Copy and paste differs from cut and paste, in which the original source of the text or object gets deleted or removed from the source. Instead, the data or text is moved to the destination […]
Who Invented Catapults
The catapult was invented in 399B.C by Dionysus the Elder, ruler of the Greek town of Syracus in Sicily. Dionysus devised the catapult as a warfare weapon to be used against the Carthaginians. The design of the early catapults was very similar to crossbows as they were the only inspiration available then. Dionysus gathered a team of accompolished artisans for developing the Catapult. He showered his artisans with extravagant gifts and huge salaries in lieu […]
Who Invented the Cassette Player
The invention of cassette player first originated when magnetic storage for audio was introduced by Oberlin Smith in the year 1888. Ten years later, Vlademar Poulsen brought some practicality to this concept. The first magnetic tape came into the market in 1928 and was invented by Fritz Pfleumer. The first consumer usable cassette player came into the market in the year 1963. Audio company Philipps introduced it in Europe and later in United State as […]
Who Invented the Calculator
A calculator is a device that has been designed to make numeric calculations easier and quick. Few centuries back, abaci and calculated mathematical tables were the common options available to the mathematicians. As time passed the need for an accurate and simpler device become evident, this led to the invention of first mechanical calculator. In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard designed a calculating clock which was later lost in a fire. This stopped him from continuing his […]
Who Invented the Bessemer Process
The process of making steel is referred to as Bessemer process and it was invented by Henry Bessemer in the year 1856 in England. He received the patent right for invention of this process. It is the first and foremost method of making steel with a low and affordable cost and was named after the inventor. Even though Henry Bessemer received the patent for Bessemer process as his invention, it was independently discovered by William […]
Who Invented the Beeper
Beeper is a small portable electronic device that emits a beeping sound or signal. It is also referred to as a pager. The signal or sound is emitted when the person carrying the beeper is being paged or contacted by a contact. It was named as beepers as the sound emitted by the instrument resembles a beeping noise. Beepers may also be referred to as buzzer, pc speaker and avalanche transceiver. It was invented by […]
Who Invented the Battery
Based on an archaeological excavation carried out in the year 1936 at Baghdad, it has been believed by few scientists and historians that the battery was invented about 2000 years ago. But there was no strong evidence to prove the same. Earlier in 1749, the term battery was used by Benjamin Franklin to refer a set of linked capacitors. He conducted an experiment using a similar process with electricity. Later, the battery was invented by […]