Who Invented the Balloon
There are several stories towards invention of balloons. Both gas filled and hot-air balloons were invented in the year 1783. Etienne Montgolfier and his brother Joseph from France noticed that bits of paper floated in the hot air escaping the chimney when the fire of their kitchen was alight. They tried an experiment based on the same process with paper bags in 1782. They made paper bags out of cloth lined with paper. In a […]
Who Invented the Compass
History of the compass can be traced from the 2nd Century BC and has its origin from China. A study revealed that Omlecs were using compass during 1000BC, but there is no authenticated proof towards the same. It is a difficult task to identify the first inventor of compass. The earliest models of compass were referred to as lodestone. Compass was mentioned as a tool or device for navigation in the year 1117 by Chinese […]
Who Invented the Bicycle
Bicycles were introduced in 17th century. It was the first medium of transport made using two wheels. The term Bicycle was coined in 1860 in France. The invention of bicycle has brought an enormous impact on society with respect to culture and development of modern industrial methods. It acted as a key factor to several developments in automobile industry. The first bicycle is said to be invented by Pierre Michaux along with Pierre Lallement. In […]
Who Invented Bridges
Bridges have reduced gaps and have eased many distances. The first inventor of bridge was probably Mother Nature itself. Initially in primitive era, fallen trees, stones across rivers and other water bodies have helped humans to cover many distances. The strength and endurance of a bridge depends totally on its support at both ends. Later man improved the ways to use fallen logs and branches to form the first man made bridges. The first man […]
Who Invented Baby Carriage
The baby carriage was invented by an English architect named William Kent in the year of 1733. William Kent was appointed by the third Duke of Devonshire to design a carriage for his children. He designed the carriage with a harness that could be easily pulled by an animal such as a dog or a goat. It was a shell shaped buggy with attached springs especially designed for a comfortable ride for the children. The […]
Who invented the Airplane
Human flight has been the dream of so many since probably before civilization was invented. The airplane, a fixed wing vehicle capable of controlled flight like a bird, able to take off, maneuver through air currents in any direction, and then land at will safely again, that has been the challenge, and it was the first flight of a heavier than air airplane that finally decided the name of the inventor of the airplane. As […]
Who invented the Car
Since the invention of the wheel people have been using carriages drawn by horses and donkeys for transport, but the invention of the car truly redefined transport since speed was no longer limited by the speed of the slowest running horse. Desire for a horseless carriage has been around for many hundreds of years, and some of the first experiments predate the industrial revolution. Cars, which are also known as automobiles have gone thru many […]
Who invented the Segway
The Segway electric vehicle made by Segway Inc of the United States is a unique battery powered vehicle that needs only two wheels and self balances while riders stand with their feet placed on two small platforms located on the inside edge of each wheel. A steering column is positioned in the center of the vehicle with controls for acceleration and braking. In 2001 the Segway PT, short for personal transporter, was officially unveiled by […]
Who invented the Space Shuttle
The Space Shuttle is a spaceplane developed and operated by the US space agency NASA which is hurled into space attached to two powerful rockets and a main fuel tank, tho the rockets and the fuel tank are jettisoned before the shuttle enters orbit. Once in orbit the shuttle is capable to traveling to the International Space Station or simply release and in some cases capture satellites and then glide back to earth to land […]